Blowbox 2017
A 3D Game Engine by Riko Ophorst using DirectX 12
This is the complete list of members for blowbox::GraphicsContext, including all inherited members.
allocator_ | blowbox::CommandContext | protected |
Begin(const eastl::wstring &name=L"") | blowbox::GraphicsContext | static |
BeginQuery(ID3D12QueryHeap *query_heap, D3D12_QUERY_TYPE type, UINT heap_index) | blowbox::GraphicsContext | |
BeginResourceTransition(GpuResource &resource, const D3D12_RESOURCE_STATES &new_state, bool flush_immediate=false) | blowbox::CommandContext | |
BindDescriptorHeaps() | blowbox::CommandContext | protected |
ClearColor(ColorBuffer &target) | blowbox::GraphicsContext | |
ClearDepth(DepthBuffer &target) | blowbox::GraphicsContext | |
ClearDepthAndStencil(DepthBuffer &target) | blowbox::GraphicsContext | |
ClearStencil(DepthBuffer &target) | blowbox::GraphicsContext | |
ClearUAV(GpuBuffer &target) | blowbox::GraphicsContext | |
ClearUAV(ColorBuffer &target) | blowbox::GraphicsContext | |
compute_pipeline_state_ | blowbox::CommandContext | protected |
compute_root_signature_ | blowbox::CommandContext | protected |
CopyBuffer(GpuResource &dest_resource, UploadBuffer &source_resource) | blowbox::CommandContext | |
CopyBuffer(GpuResource &dest_resource, GpuResource &source_resource) | blowbox::CommandContext | |
CopyBufferRegion(GpuResource &dest_resource, UINT dest_offset, GpuResource &source_resource, UINT source_offset, UINT num_bytes) | blowbox::CommandContext | |
CopyCounter(GpuResource &dest_resource, UINT dest_offset, StructuredBuffer &source_resource) | blowbox::CommandContext | |
CopySubresource(GpuResource &dest_resource, UINT dest_subresource_index, GpuResource &source_resource, UINT source_subresource_index) | blowbox::CommandContext | |
descriptor_heaps_ | blowbox::CommandContext | protected |
Draw(UINT vertex_count, UINT vertex_start_offset=0) | blowbox::GraphicsContext | |
DrawIndexed(UINT index_count, UINT start_index_location=0, INT base_vertex_location=0) | blowbox::GraphicsContext | |
DrawIndexedInstanced(UINT index_count_per_instance, UINT instance_count, UINT start_index_location, INT start_vertex_location, UINT start_instance_location) | blowbox::GraphicsContext | |
DrawIndirect(GpuBuffer &argument_buffer, UINT argument_buffer_offset=0) | blowbox::GraphicsContext | |
DrawInstanced(UINT vertex_count_per_instance, UINT instance_count, UINT start_vertex_location=0, UINT start_instance_location=0) | blowbox::GraphicsContext | |
EndQuery(ID3D12QueryHeap *query_heap, D3D12_QUERY_TYPE type, UINT heap_index) | blowbox::GraphicsContext | |
Finish(bool wait_for_completion=false) | blowbox::CommandContext | |
Flush(bool wait_for_completion=false) | blowbox::CommandContext | |
FlushResourceBarriers() | blowbox::CommandContext | |
Get() | blowbox::CommandContext | |
GetComputeContext() | blowbox::CommandContext | |
GetGraphicsContext() | blowbox::CommandContext | |
graphics_pipeline_state_ | blowbox::CommandContext | protected |
graphics_root_signature_ | blowbox::CommandContext | protected |
Initialize() | blowbox::CommandContext | |
InitializeBuffer(GpuResource &dest_resource, const void *data, UINT num_bytes, bool use_offset=false, UINT offset=0) | blowbox::CommandContext | static |
InitializeTexture(GpuResource &dest_resource, UINT num_subresources, D3D12_SUBRESOURCE_DATA subresource_data[]) | blowbox::CommandContext | static |
InsertAliasBuffer(GpuResource &before, GpuResource &after, bool flush_immediate=false) | blowbox::CommandContext | |
InsertTimeStamp(ID3D12QueryHeap *query_heap, UINT query_idx) | blowbox::CommandContext | |
InsertUAVBarrier(GpuResource &resource, bool flush_immediate=false) | blowbox::CommandContext | |
list_ | blowbox::CommandContext | protected |
name_ | blowbox::CommandContext | protected |
num_flushable_barriers_ | blowbox::CommandContext | protected |
ResolveQueryData(ID3D12QueryHeap *query_heap, D3D12_QUERY_TYPE type, UINT start_index, UINT num_queries, ID3D12Resource *dest_buffer, UINT64 dest_buffer_offset) | blowbox::GraphicsContext | |
ResolveTimeStamps(ID3D12Resource *read_back_heap, ID3D12QueryHeap *query_heap, UINT num_queries) | blowbox::CommandContext | |
resource_barrier_buffer_ | blowbox::CommandContext | protected |
SetBlendFactor(float colorRGBA[]) | blowbox::GraphicsContext | |
SetBufferSRV(UINT root_index, GpuBuffer &srv, UINT offset=0) | blowbox::GraphicsContext | |
SetBufferUAV(UINT root_index, GpuBuffer &uav, UINT offset=0) | blowbox::GraphicsContext | |
SetConstantBuffer(UINT root_index, D3D12_GPU_VIRTUAL_ADDRESS cbv) | blowbox::GraphicsContext | |
SetConstants(UINT root_index, UINT num_constants, const void *constants) | blowbox::GraphicsContext | |
SetConstants(UINT root_index, Param32Bit x) | blowbox::GraphicsContext | |
SetConstants(UINT root_index, Param32Bit x, Param32Bit y) | blowbox::GraphicsContext | |
SetConstants(UINT root_index, Param32Bit x, Param32Bit y, Param32Bit z) | blowbox::GraphicsContext | |
SetConstants(UINT root_index, Param32Bit x, Param32Bit y, Param32Bit z, Param32Bit w) | blowbox::GraphicsContext | |
SetDepthStencilTarget(UINT dsv) | blowbox::GraphicsContext | inline |
SetDescriptorHeap(D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_HEAP_TYPE type, ID3D12DescriptorHeap *heap) | blowbox::CommandContext | |
SetDescriptorHeaps(UINT heap_count, D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_HEAP_TYPE heap_types[], ID3D12DescriptorHeap *heaps[]) | blowbox::CommandContext | |
SetDescriptorTable(UINT root_index, D3D12_GPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE first_handle) | blowbox::GraphicsContext | |
SetIndexBuffer(const D3D12_INDEX_BUFFER_VIEW &ibv) | blowbox::GraphicsContext | |
SetName(const WString &name) | blowbox::CommandContext | inlineprotected |
SetPipelineState(const GraphicsPSO &pso) | blowbox::GraphicsContext | |
SetPredication(ID3D12Resource *buffer, UINT64 buffer_offset, D3D12_PREDICATION_OP op) | blowbox::CommandContext | |
SetPrimitiveTopology(D3D12_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY topology) | blowbox::GraphicsContext | |
SetRenderTarget(UINT rtv) | blowbox::GraphicsContext | inline |
SetRenderTarget(UINT rtv, UINT dsv) | blowbox::GraphicsContext | inline |
SetRenderTargets(UINT num_rtvs, const UINT rtvs[]) | blowbox::GraphicsContext | |
SetRenderTargets(UINT num_rtvs, const UINT rtvs[], UINT dsv) | blowbox::GraphicsContext | |
SetRootSignature(const RootSignature &root_signature) | blowbox::GraphicsContext | |
SetScissor(const D3D12_RECT &rect) | blowbox::GraphicsContext | |
SetScissor(UINT left, UINT top, UINT right, UINT bottom) | blowbox::GraphicsContext | |
SetStencilRef(UINT stencil_ref) | blowbox::GraphicsContext | |
SetVertexBuffer(UINT slot, const D3D12_VERTEX_BUFFER_VIEW &vbv) | blowbox::GraphicsContext | |
SetVertexBuffers(UINT start_slot, UINT count, const D3D12_VERTEX_BUFFER_VIEW vbvs[]) | blowbox::GraphicsContext | |
SetViewport(const D3D12_VIEWPORT &vp) | blowbox::GraphicsContext | |
SetViewport(FLOAT x, FLOAT y, FLOAT w, FLOAT h, FLOAT min_depth=0.0f, FLOAT max_depth=1.0f) | blowbox::GraphicsContext | |
SetViewportAndScissor(const D3D12_VIEWPORT &vp, const D3D12_RECT &rect) | blowbox::GraphicsContext | |
SetViewportAndScissor(UINT x, UINT y, UINT w, UINT h) | blowbox::GraphicsContext | |
TransitionResource(GpuResource &resource, const D3D12_RESOURCE_STATES &new_state, bool flush_immediate=false) | blowbox::CommandContext | |
type_ | blowbox::CommandContext | protected |
~CommandContext() | blowbox::CommandContext |