This is the complete list of members for blowbox::Window, including all inherited members.
Create(const Resolution &resolution, const String &window_title, Image *window_icon=nullptr) | blowbox::Window | |
Focus() | blowbox::Window | |
focused_ | blowbox::Window | private |
GetGLFWWindow() | blowbox::Window | |
GetKeyboardState() | blowbox::Window | |
GetMouseState() | blowbox::Window | |
GetWindowFocused() const | blowbox::Window | |
GetWindowHandle() const | blowbox::Window | |
GetWindowIcon() const | blowbox::Window | |
GetWindowPosition() const | blowbox::Window | |
GetWindowResolution() const | blowbox::Window | |
GetWindowShouldClose() | blowbox::Window | |
GetWindowSizeLimits() const | blowbox::Window | |
GetWindowTitle() const | blowbox::Window | |
GlfwCharCallback(GLFWwindow *window, unsigned int unicode_character) | blowbox::Window | static |
GlfwCursorPosCallback(GLFWwindow *window, double x, double y) | blowbox::Window | static |
GlfwFocusCallback(GLFWwindow *window, int focused) | blowbox::Window | static |
GlfwKeyCallback(GLFWwindow *window, int key, int scancode, int action, int modifiers) | blowbox::Window | static |
GlfwMouseButtonCallback(GLFWwindow *window, int button, int action, int modifiers) | blowbox::Window | static |
GlfwMouseEnterCallback(GLFWwindow *window, int entered) | blowbox::Window | static |
GlfwScrollCallback(GLFWwindow *window, double x, double y) | blowbox::Window | static |
keyboard_state_ | blowbox::Window | private |
max_resolution_ | blowbox::Window | private |
min_resolution_ | blowbox::Window | private |
mouse_state_ | blowbox::Window | private |
SetWindowIcon(Image *window_icon) | blowbox::Window | |
SetWindowPosition(const DirectX::XMINT2 &window_position) | blowbox::Window | |
SetWindowResolution(const Resolution &resolution) | blowbox::Window | |
SetWindowSizeLimits(const Resolution &min_resolution, const Resolution &max_resolution) | blowbox::Window | |
SetWindowTitle(const String &window_title) | blowbox::Window | |
Window() (defined in blowbox::Window) | blowbox::Window | |
window_ | blowbox::Window | private |
window_icon_ | blowbox::Window | private |
window_title_ | blowbox::Window | private |
~Window() (defined in blowbox::Window) | blowbox::Window | |