Blowbox 2017
A 3D Game Engine by Riko Ophorst using DirectX 12
▼Nblowbox | The main Blowbox namespace |
CAdapter | Wraps an IDXGIAdapter |
CBlowboxConfig | Configuration of Blowbox |
CBlowboxCore | The core of Blowbox |
CByteAddressBuffer | Wrapper for random access buffers |
CCamera | A camera through which the scene is rendered |
CColorBuffer | Buffer-type for buffers with color data in them |
CCommandAllocatorPool | Controls a pool of allocators of a certain type |
CCommandContext | Wrapper around D3D12 command lists |
CCommandContextManager | Manages the pool of available CommandContexts |
CCommandManager | Manages all the CommandQueues in the application |
CCommandQueue | Manages a ID3D12CommandQueue |
CComputePSO | Manages the PipelineStateObject for compute pipelines |
▼CConsole | Operates a console to which you can send messages |
CMessage | Describes a message |
▼CDebugMenu | Manages all debug windows and operates the main menu bar |
CCompareDebugWindowPriority | Compares the priorities for DebugWindows |
CDebugWindow | Base class for DebugWindows |
CDeferredRenderer | Handles the deferred rendering pipeline |
CDepthBuffer | Wrapper for DepthBuffer-like resources |
CDescriptorHeap | Manages a ID3D12DescriptorHeap of a certain type |
CDevice | Wraps the ID3D12Device |
CEntity | The Blowbox equivalent of a game object |
CEntityFactory | Factory for creating Entity instances and managing Entity children |
CForwardRenderer | Implements a forward rendering technique |
CFrameStats | Provides an overview of frame statistics |
CGet | Provides clean access to all subsystems |
CGLFWManager | Manages all GLFW state such as global initialization / termination, event polling, etc |
CGpuBuffer | Wraps buffer-type GpuResource's |
CGpuResource | Wraps ID3D12Resource objects |
CGraphicsContext | Wraps functionality for submitting graphics related command lists |
CGraphicsPSO | Wraps the PipelineStateObject for graphics pipelines |
CImage | Load and access image files with the use of blowbox::Image |
CImGuiManager | Implements all ImGui functionality |
▼CKeyboardState | Keeps track of the state of the keyboard |
CKeyState | Keeps track of the state of a key on the keyboard |
CMaterial | |
▼CMemoryProfiler | Provides memory profiling statistics |
CCompareGpuResourceByDimension | Helper struct to compare ResourceData by its dimension |
CCompareGpuResourceByDimensionReverted | Helper struct to compare ResourceData by its dimension, in the opposite order |
CCompareGpuResourceByFormat | Helper struct to compare ResourceData by its format |
CCompareGpuResourceByFormatReverted | Helper struct to compare ResourceData by its format, in the opposite order |
CCompareGpuResourceByName | Helper struct to compare ResourceData by its name |
CCompareGpuResourceByNameReverted | Helper struct to compare ResourceData by its name, in the opposite order |
CCompareGpuResourceBySize | Helper struct to compare ResourceData by its total size |
CCompareGpuResourceBySizeReverted | Helper struct to compare ResourceData by its total size, in the opposite order |
CResourceData | Used for condensing data into a single struct inside of the MemoryProfiler |
CMemoryStats | Provides an overview of memory statistics |
CMesh | A mesh that can be rendered |
CMeshData | Describes all the data for a Mesh |
CModelFactory | Factory for loading models |
▼CMouseState | Keeps track of the state of the mouse |
CMouseButtonState | Keeps track of the state of a button on the mouse |
CNonCopyable | Utility class - if you inherit from this, the class becomes non-copyable |
COrthographicCamera | A camera with orthographic projection, useful for 2D stuff |
CParam32Bit | Represents a 32 bit parameter, which can either be a float, uint or int |
▼CPerformanceProfiler | The main profiler in Blowbox |
CCompareProfilerBlockSingleFrame | Compares single frame ProfilerBlocks |
CProfilerBlock | Allows you to profile a block of code |
CProfilerBlockData | Stores expanded data for PerformanceProfiler::ProfilerBlocks, over the lifetime of the entire application |
CProfilerBlockFrameData | DO NOT USE! This struct is meant for internal use by the Profiler |
CProfilerBlockTime | This is a lightweight version of the PerformanceProfiler::ProfilerBlock. It only stores the block time |
CPerspectiveCamera | A camera with perspective projection, useful for 3D stuff |
CPixelBuffer | Wrapper for pixel-type resources |
CPSO | The base PipelineStateObject |
CResolution | Stores resolution information in pixels |
CRootParameter | Makes it easy to configure a D3D12_ROOT_PARAMETER |
CRootSignature | Wraps the ID3D12RootSignature object |
CSceneManager | Manages the entire scene |
CShader | Wraps Shader objects |
CStructuredBuffer | Wrapper for StructuredBuffer types |
CSwapChain | Wraps the IDXGISwapChain |
CTextFile | Wraps the loading and accessing of text files from disk |
CTime | Manages the time in Blowbox |
CTypedBuffer | Wrapper for formatted buffer types |
CUploadBuffer | Wraps upload buffer types, which allow you to upload data to the GPU |
CVertex | Describes a Vertex |
CWindow | Class for creating windows |