Blowbox 2017
A 3D Game Engine by Riko Ophorst using DirectX 12
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NblowboxThe main Blowbox namespace
 CAdapterWraps an IDXGIAdapter
 CBlowboxConfigConfiguration of Blowbox
 CBlowboxCoreThe core of Blowbox
 CByteAddressBufferWrapper for random access buffers
 CCameraA camera through which the scene is rendered
 CColorBufferBuffer-type for buffers with color data in them
 CCommandAllocatorPoolControls a pool of allocators of a certain type
 CCommandContextWrapper around D3D12 command lists
 CCommandContextManagerManages the pool of available CommandContexts
 CCommandManagerManages all the CommandQueues in the application
 CCommandQueueManages a ID3D12CommandQueue
 CComputePSOManages the PipelineStateObject for compute pipelines
 CConsoleOperates a console to which you can send messages
 CMessageDescribes a message
 CDebugMenuManages all debug windows and operates the main menu bar
 CCompareDebugWindowPriorityCompares the priorities for DebugWindows
 CDebugWindowBase class for DebugWindows
 CDeferredRendererHandles the deferred rendering pipeline
 CDepthBufferWrapper for DepthBuffer-like resources
 CDescriptorHeapManages a ID3D12DescriptorHeap of a certain type
 CDeviceWraps the ID3D12Device
 CEntityThe Blowbox equivalent of a game object
 CEntityFactoryFactory for creating Entity instances and managing Entity children
 CForwardRendererImplements a forward rendering technique
 CFrameStatsProvides an overview of frame statistics
 CGetProvides clean access to all subsystems
 CGLFWManagerManages all GLFW state such as global initialization / termination, event polling, etc
 CGpuBufferWraps buffer-type GpuResource's
 CGpuResourceWraps ID3D12Resource objects
 CGraphicsContextWraps functionality for submitting graphics related command lists
 CGraphicsPSOWraps the PipelineStateObject for graphics pipelines
 CImageLoad and access image files with the use of blowbox::Image
 CImGuiManagerImplements all ImGui functionality
 CKeyboardStateKeeps track of the state of the keyboard
 CKeyStateKeeps track of the state of a key on the keyboard
 CMemoryProfilerProvides memory profiling statistics
 CCompareGpuResourceByDimensionHelper struct to compare ResourceData by its dimension
 CCompareGpuResourceByDimensionRevertedHelper struct to compare ResourceData by its dimension, in the opposite order
 CCompareGpuResourceByFormatHelper struct to compare ResourceData by its format
 CCompareGpuResourceByFormatRevertedHelper struct to compare ResourceData by its format, in the opposite order
 CCompareGpuResourceByNameHelper struct to compare ResourceData by its name
 CCompareGpuResourceByNameRevertedHelper struct to compare ResourceData by its name, in the opposite order
 CCompareGpuResourceBySizeHelper struct to compare ResourceData by its total size
 CCompareGpuResourceBySizeRevertedHelper struct to compare ResourceData by its total size, in the opposite order
 CResourceDataUsed for condensing data into a single struct inside of the MemoryProfiler
 CMemoryStatsProvides an overview of memory statistics
 CMeshA mesh that can be rendered
 CMeshDataDescribes all the data for a Mesh
 CModelFactoryFactory for loading models
 CMouseStateKeeps track of the state of the mouse
 CMouseButtonStateKeeps track of the state of a button on the mouse
 CNonCopyableUtility class - if you inherit from this, the class becomes non-copyable
 COrthographicCameraA camera with orthographic projection, useful for 2D stuff
 CParam32BitRepresents a 32 bit parameter, which can either be a float, uint or int
 CPerformanceProfilerThe main profiler in Blowbox
 CCompareProfilerBlockSingleFrameCompares single frame ProfilerBlocks
 CProfilerBlockAllows you to profile a block of code
 CProfilerBlockDataStores expanded data for PerformanceProfiler::ProfilerBlocks, over the lifetime of the entire application
 CProfilerBlockFrameDataDO NOT USE! This struct is meant for internal use by the Profiler
 CProfilerBlockTimeThis is a lightweight version of the PerformanceProfiler::ProfilerBlock. It only stores the block time
 CPerspectiveCameraA camera with perspective projection, useful for 3D stuff
 CPixelBufferWrapper for pixel-type resources
 CPSOThe base PipelineStateObject
 CResolutionStores resolution information in pixels
 CRootParameterMakes it easy to configure a D3D12_ROOT_PARAMETER
 CRootSignatureWraps the ID3D12RootSignature object
 CSceneManagerManages the entire scene
 CShaderWraps Shader objects
 CStructuredBufferWrapper for StructuredBuffer types
 CSwapChainWraps the IDXGISwapChain
 CTextFileWraps the loading and accessing of text files from disk
 CTimeManages the time in Blowbox
 CTypedBufferWrapper for formatted buffer types
 CUploadBufferWraps upload buffer types, which allow you to upload data to the GPU
 CVertexDescribes a Vertex
 CWindowClass for creating windows